Best Books for Software Engineers

Gyanendra Kumar Knojiya
4 min readDec 30, 2021


List of books that provide a roadmap for software engineers.

I’d want to share some links as well as a brief synopsis of each book on the roadmap. This should make it simple to locate a replacement or simply skip.

1. Building a Career in Software by Daniel Heller:

There is a problem with software engineering education: colleges and boot camps train aspiring engineers to write code, but then leave grads to learn the many supporting tools necessary to survive in actual software organizations. Building a Career in Software is the answer, a comprehensive guide to the essential skills that instructors don’t need and professionals never think to teach: landing jobs, selecting teams and projects, asking good questions, running meetings, going on-call, debugging production problems, technical writing, making the most of a mentor, and much more.

What You Will Discover:

  • Learn about every major non-technical aspect of professional programming, as well as numerous critical technical practices required for the move from student to professional.
  • Develop relationships with your boss.
  • Improve your communication skills, such as technical writing, excellent questioning, and public speaking.

Who Should Read This Book?

All graduates of computer science or software engineering university programs, as well as all software engineering boot camp participants, are software engineers who are either early in their careers or are ready to make the shift to the professional sector.

2. The Passionate Programmer by Chad Fowler:

In today’s IT climate, success necessitates viewing your profession as a commercial venture. This book will teach you how to become an entrepreneur and steer your career in the direction of your choice. You’ll learn how to create your software development profession step by step, just like you would if you were creating, promoting, and selling a product. After all, your abilities are a product in and of themselves.

3. You Don’t Know JS by Kyle Simpson:

No matter how much JavaScript expertise you have, chances are you don’t completely comprehend the language. “You Don’t Know JS” is a book series that delves further into JavaScript kinds.

This series’ novels are as follows:

  1. You Don’t Know JS: On the Rise
  2. You Don’t Understand JS: Types and Grammar
  3. You Don’t Understand JS: ES6 and Beyond
  4. You’re Not a JS Expert: Async and Performance
  5. You’re Not a JS Expert: This and Object Prototypes
  6. You’ve Never Heard of JS: Scope and Closures

4. Elements of Computing Systems by Noam Nisan, Shimon Schocken:

The easiest way to learn how computers operate is to construct one from the ground up, and this textbook walks students through twelve chapters and tasks that gradually develop the hardware platform and software hierarchy for a small but powerful computer system. Learners receive hands-on experience with hardware, architecture, operating systems, programming languages, compilers, data structures and algorithms, and software engineering along the process. Using this constructive method, the book introduces readers to a large amount of computer science knowledge while also synthesizing essential theoretical and applied approaches into a single constructive framework. The result is known as Nand to Tetris: a trip that begins with the most basic logic gate, named Nand and finishes with a general-purpose computer system capable of executing Tetris and any other application that comes to mind, twelve projects later.

5. Design Patterns by Gamma Erich, Helm Richard, Johnson Ralph, Vlissides John, Grady Booch:

This might come up in an interview, but it’s more probable that you use patterns at work — and sometimes you don’t even realize you’re doing so. Memorizing all of them is probably not the ideal method, but understanding a couple and when to utilize them will improve the quality of your codebases.

6. Grokking Algorithms by Aditya Bhargava:

Cracking the Coding Interview is an excellent resource for algorithms, however, I believe it is primarily geared for engineers who need to master technical interviews. Grokking Algorithms is a shorter book with easier explanations. This will ultimately be required learning material (algorithms and data structures), whether for an on-the-job assignment or an interview.

Thanks for reading this article. I hope you like this.

